




词曲、演唱:Justin Timberlake翻译:蓝田kanon

[Verse 1]Keeps coming closer, I don\’t but she thinks I know her 踟蹰上前的她不知我已不再眷恋Beautiful smile with those sad eyes 苦涩的泪痕划破曾经绝美的笑颜That was my type, amnesia, that’s over 这是我的一贯姿态,失忆的我,无法再爱I can see your breathing, girl, is colder 我能感受到你的微弱呼吸渐趋停止I can see you need me but I don’t care 我不在乎尽管知道你对我痴心不死My whole memory of me and love gone so far from me, girl 我所有回忆和爱都已远离我It’s not fair I can feel it almost starts to change 感觉的到这不对等的爱已开始变质But then it hurts too much, that’s when it starts to fade 当它逐渐消逝伤痛便一发不可收拾

[Chorus]So cold baby, now I’m going crazy 你如坠冰窟 我狂乱欲痴I don’t know why you need me alone 我不懂你为何对我执着如斯If it was true, if it was you 如果我真正深爱的是你Don’t you think?, don’t you think I would know? 难道你不曾考虑我又怎会不自知

Amnesia! 失忆的我 无法再爱Every memory fades away till it’s gone 爱意远去 回忆无踪Where did you go? 而你又将 情归何处Amnesia, everything and nothing 失忆的我 万事皆空No \’we\’ anymore, she’s a stranger that I used to know 世间再无唯一 她只是个过客如此匆匆

[Verse 2]these photos of us 这些我们的照片So happy so in love如此快乐如此相爱Tell me what happened? 请告诉我实情Who they? Where did they go? 他们是谁又将去往何处And was enough, enough? 是否够了,够了When did all the fire turn colder? 何时我们的熊熊爱火被浇熄When did your heart start to beat slower? 何时你的澎湃心跳渐渐止息My whole memory of me&love gone so far from me 我所有关于我的爱回忆已远离我It\’s not fair ,And I can feel it almost start to change 感觉的到这不对等的爱已然开始变质But it just hurts too much, I let it go away 我只能放手因为这伤痛让我毫无斗志

[Chorus]So cold baby, now I’m going crazy 你如坠冰窟 我狂乱欲痴I don’t know why you need me alone 我不懂你为何对我执着如斯If it was true, if it was you 如果我真正深爱的是你Don’t you think?, don’t you think I would know? 难道你不曾考虑我又怎会不自知

Amnesia! 失忆的我 无法再爱Every memory fades away till it’s gone 爱意远去 回忆无踪Where did you go? 而你又将 情归何处Amnesia, everything and nothing 失忆的我 万事皆空No \’we\’ anymore, she’s a stranger that I used to know 世间再无唯一 她只是个过客如此匆匆I can feel it almost start to change 感觉的到这不对等的爱已然开始变质But then it hurts too much, I let it go away 我只能放手因为这伤痛让我毫无斗志So cold baby, now I’m going crazy你如坠冰窟 我狂乱欲痴I don’t know why you need me alone 我不懂你为何对我执着如斯If it was true, if it was you 如果我真正深爱的是你Don’t you think?, don’t you think I would know? 难道你不曾考虑我又怎会不自知

amnesia, every memory fades away till it’s gone 我失忆至此 爱意远去 回忆无踪Where did you go? 而你又将 情归何处Amnesia, everything and nothing 失忆的我 万事皆空No \’we\’ anymore she’s a stranger 世间再无唯一 她不再是我的唯一Amnesia! 失忆的我 无法再爱Every memory fades away till it’s gone 爱意远去 回忆无踪Where did you go? 而你又将 情归何处Amnesia, everything and nothing 失忆的我 万事皆空No \’we\’ anymore, she’s a stranger that I used to know 世间再无唯一 她只是个过客如此匆匆And I don’t know you anymore 你让我再也无法读懂Everything and nothing 心已成空Everything and nothing 爱亦成空She’s a stranger that I used to know 她只是个过客如此匆匆Amnesia, amnesia, amnesia 失忆的我心已停止跳动

Go on and tear me apart 不停将我撕成碎片And do it again tomorrow 日复一日无休无止I almost forgot, who you are 我几乎已快要记不清楚你的名字I try to forget about it every time I see ya,see ya每次见你后又尽力忘记你的样子Thought I could do without ya 以为自己可以离开你而继续坚持Now I know I need ya, need ya 现在才知道离开你后我独木难支This is turning into some kind, some kind of amnesia, amnesia 这感觉像是一种失忆症 无法再爱却依然相思Memories fade away love‘s so insane最终记忆也将如流水般消逝 爱已疯狂I try to forget about it every time I see you,see you 每次见你后又尽力忘记你的样子Thought I could do without ya 以为自己可以离开你而继续坚持Now I know I need ya, need ya 现在才知道离开你后我独木难支This is turning into some kind, some kind of amnesia, amnesia 这感觉像是一种失忆症 无法再爱却依然相思Memories fade away love‘s so insane

最终记忆也将如流水般消逝 爱已疯狂

So tear me apart and do it again tomorrow 经历这对我无尽的撕扯I almost forgot who we are 我已然忘却了你的模样 I let you drive me crazy for another day 你是我的心魔彀我成狂Isn’t this love insane, insane? 这样的爱难道不是种痴狂 Yeah…. (它是种痴狂)



3、Guy Sebastian的《Amnesia》 歌词


歌手:Guy Sebastian










PSVITA版游戏续作《AMNESIA V Edition》。

