


《荒野的呼唤》(The Call of the Wild)是一部小说,讲述了狗巴克从家犬到雪橇犬的变化,以及它与不同人物的关系和特点。

1. 主人公巴克(Buck):巴克是一条壮实的狗,被卖到阿拉斯加后成为一只雪橇犬。虽然最初不适应这种生活,但逐渐学会了在艰苦环境下生存的技能。巴克具有情义、胆识和适应力,它的经历展示了适者生存的原则。

2. 约翰·桑顿(John Thornton):桑顿是巴克的最后一个主人,也是对它影响最深的人。桑顿对巴克有着深厚的感情,两者之间形成了类似父子的关系。桑顿的去世让巴克深感悲痛,也使它重新回到了原始的野性。

3. 淘金者:淘金者是巴克的第二个主人,他们贪婪、残忍,对巴克不好,经常打骂它。他们的行为对巴克的性格产生了负面影响,使得它更具有攻击性。

4. 佩罗蒂(Perrault)和弗朗索瓦(Francois):佩罗蒂和弗朗索瓦是巴克的第一个主人,他们最初将巴克从温暖的家庭环境中带到严寒的阿拉斯加。虽然他们对待巴克严厉,但也是为了让巴克适应环境。


2、The Call of the Wild,野性的呼唤小说中简介,最好是中英文对照的。

s instinct and consciousness of returning to nature because of the long-term influence of human civilization. Poor living environment exercise Buck, he continued to grow in the experience. Eventually won the top spot in the sled dogs group by defeating the dog king Spitz. When the brutal Hall slaughtered Barre’s body and dying, John Thornton’s rescue gave Barker a warm feeling and decided to vow to die and loyal to his benefactor, but the bereavement of the Lord completely shattered Buck’s nostalgia for human society, Thus prompting Buck strong determination, resolutely to the wilderness, return to nature.


作者简介(About the Author)

Jack London (12 January 1876 – 22 November 1916)was an American author who wrote The Call of the Wild and other books. A pioneer in the then-burgeoning world of commercial magazine fiction, he was one of the first Americans to make a lucrative career exclusively from writing.

杰克·伦敦(Jack London,1876年1月12日 – 1916年11月22日)是一位美国作家,他写了“野性的召唤”等书。 作为当时迅速发展的商业杂志小说世界的先驱,他是第一批从写作中获得丰厚职业的美国人之一。

他创作的其他书籍(Other books)

《热爱生命》Love of Life、《白牙》White Fang、《海狼》The Sea-Wolf、《铁蹄》The Iron Heel、《马丁·伊登》Martin Eden 等等…

“, ‘contentText’: ‘作品简介(introduction) 《The Call of the Wild》 tells the story of a dog named Buck.He is stolen from his home in the Santa Clara Valley of California,and taken to the Alaskan gold fields to be a sled dog.This story tells the life of Buck as he is passed from owner to owner.He eventually finds a kind mast


3、野性的呼唤 文学评论读后感

野性的呼唤 文学评论/读后感 最好是英文版的(分数可以加) 中文版的也照单全收!字数越多越好!答题越快越准采纳率越高

